Monday, July 2, 2012

Defusing the "Hot Spots"

Today is Day 11 with the FlyLady in the last three days she has added a “5 minute room rescue” and “15 minutes decluttering”

I focused my “room rescue” on the desk and printer. Here’s before:

And 5 minutes later:

I also “put out my hotspot”

Two Minutes Later:
 You probably noticed the small stack of papers left in both pictures, those are my "sort and file" papers. I take care of those after the timer goes off but wanted to show a true picture of what things look like as soon as the time goes off. If nothing else, I am extremely impressed with the power of 5 minutes!

For decluttering FlyLady is referring to a quick sweep of the house, but there’s a room that needs some extra attention so I’m going to do a 15 minute room rescue instead. Due to inheriting some free clothes and staging a handful of things I’d like to sell our spare bedroom has gotten a bit out of control. I’m not going to post before pictures because it’s a bit embarrassing!